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We know that the points of convergence between the labor and the climate movements are immense, but that several challenges lie ahead of us. It is nevertheless of extreme importance and urgency to cut emissions and do so by drawing on plans that are created by the workers and communities and in regard to their interests and needs.
Often, we do know what work needs to be carried out in order to cut emissions, but workers are being left out of the discussion and climate science is being disregarded. We need to build a movement that not only is capable of setting its own program, but that has the power to implement it.
As so, we are bringing together people from all around the world, and bringing together the labor and climate movements to discuss how we win a program that can allow us to stop climate collapse. Join us for two days of thematic sessions about the strategies, technical and social perspectives, and challenges we face in building Climate Jobs Campaigns.
All the sessions will be recorded and available online. Sessions will be 1 hour and 30 minutes and will be composed of a introduction by the invited speakers and a workshop space between the participants. (All times in London time)
Saturday, September 17
12:00 [7 am ET, 7 pm PHT] – General Session: Strategic Orientation
Climate chaos is creating an urgent need for a massive movement capable of overcoming it. How can popular support be organized and mobilized? This conference is based on the conviction that the key is linking the creation of climate jobs to the solution of the environmental crisis. But what do we mean by climate jobs, and how can they provide the basis for a practical program in the broader political scene? Can we “jump-start” the growth of a global climate movement capable of becoming a powerful force? With Leonor Canadas, Josua Mata, Jeremy Brecher, Andreas Ytterstad
14:00 [9 am ET, 9 pm PHT] – Special Sessions
1) Building Climate Jobs Campaigns
Activists will share their experiences of building climate campaigns in different countries in very different political climates. Speakers will briefly discuss the background, focus and structure of their local or national campaigns. This will be followed by a discussion on how we can learn lessons from these experiences.With Paul LeBlanc, Tabitha Spence, Mette Haugen, Chris Baugh.
2) Food and Farming and the Climate
In this session we want to explore the challenges ahead of us in terms of farming and food production and solutions; the role of farmers and peasants in climate change mitigation and adaptation, and in the transition we wish to see happening in our societies. We will also explore how we can build power from social movements, especially rural and peasant movements to enable such transitionWith Max Ajl, Luana Carvalho, Pedro Horta and Xiomy Acevedo
16.00 [11 am ET, , 11 pm PHT] – Special Sessions
1) Ecofeminism
In this session we want to explore the connection between the feminist struggle and the climate and environmentalist struggles as well as the connections between class struggle and the feminist struggle. We wish to look at the current reality and at solutions and planes that tackle the current social, care and climate crisis, by discussing what is the role and importance of the ecofeminist perspective and care work in stopping climate collapse and the transition to an ecosocialist society.
With Ines Teles, Joana Bergolat, Stefania Barca and Faeza Meyer
2) Climate Politics, Racism and Refugees
The history and structure of the modern global economy have shaped today’s patterns of climate change. Generated by carbon-fuel economies of the Global North, it is impacting with greater devastation on the peoples of the Global South. Racism is used to justify presumably acceptable “sacrifice zones,” and also contributes to an often-lethal hostility toward refugees fleeing from these impacted regions. With Rehad Desai, Dr. Claire Cohen and Suda Sim Meriç.
Sunday, September 18
12.00 [7 am ET, 7 pm PHT] – General Session: From Resistance to a Just Transition
The aim of this session is to explore the experience of specific environmental struggles across the world and how we can develop wider campaigns around climate jobs alternatives.With Bianco Castro, Clara Paullard, Ashim Roy
14.00 [9 am ET, 9 pm PHT] – Special Sessions
1) How do we cut emissions?
How can we cut the carbon emissions responsible for the crises in global warming, global pollution, and the loss of ecosystems supporting life on Earth? Addressing the climate crisis requires scientific solutions, but it is also sharply poses political questions. How can popular support be mobilized around a transition to a green energy program? Such a program will require a huge expansion of jobs and work, cutting emissions to near zero within a climate justice framework. With Suzanne Jeffery, Shouvik Chakrabort, Benjamin Alvero, Dr. Patricia De Marco
2) Fossil Fuel Workers and Climate Jobs
The aim of the session is to explore how we involve workers and trade unions in a conversation about a just transition. How do we develop campaigns that align trade union industrial aims with developing a climate jobs alternative.
With Neil Rothnie, Vivian Price and Gabrielle Zeliazkov
16.00 [11 am ET, 11 pm PHT] – General Session: Next Steps
This is the final meeting of the conference, where we will discuss about the next steps of the campaign. Two speakers will talk about what are the climate politics now. We will then have a general discussion of what the climate jobs network can do in the next two years. With Tuna Emren, Jonathan Neale and Ammar Ali Jan
Invited speakers:
- Max Ajl;
- Chris Baugh;
- Jeremy Brecher;
- Leonor Canadas;
- Claire Cohen;
- Rehad Desai;
- Patricia De Marco;
- Suzanne Jeffrey;
- Paul LeBlanc;
- Josua Mata;
- Suda Sim Meriç;
- Jonathan Neale;
- Andreas Yetterstad;
- Tabitha Spence;
- Mette Haugen;
- Pedro Horta;
- Luana Carvalho;
- Lanka Horstink;
- Xiomy Acevedo;
- Ines Teles;
- Stefania Barca;
- Joana Bergolat;
- Faeza Meyer;
- Bianca Castro;
- Clara Paillard;
- Ashim Roy;
- Neil Rothnie;
- Gabrielle Jeliazkov;
- Vivian Price;
- Benjamin Alvero;
- Shouvik Chakraborty;
- Jonathan Neale;
- Tuna Emren;
10 thoughts on “Global Climate Jobs Conference”
Where is this happening?
It’s a online conference, which we will broadcast using ZOOM
Please check out ‘s Aviation Discussion Paper which includes a vision for the future and a set of key principles, supplemented with a guide to engaging aviation workers.
I don’t see any general contact form on this website, but am wondering about where the macroeconomic educational support is coming from for all of these programs. What will be the unified response when you’re hit with the “how will you pay for it?” questions. I think having that key piece of knowledge deeply embedded in the climate movement is critical to success & growth.
Register for the conference through the link here:
What time will the event finish?
The schedule for the event is in the post and all sessions will last 1 hour 30 minutes.
I will be there!
Hi! Will the conference be available online soon? THANK YOU!
We have all the sessions on our youtube channel