Climate jobs: people’s plan to fight the fire | Global Just Recovery Gathering

We need to cut emissions, and we need cut them quickly. This cannot be achieved through austerity and sacrifices. We need to change the way we do things, and implement structural changes. And that’s a lot of work to do. The Climate Jobs campaigns connect the dots between the climate crisis, just transition, and unemployment, underemployment and job precarity. In this session, we present the general outlines of what a just transition led by the public sector would entail in various sectors, in jobs and in emissions.

Jonathan Neale, One Million Climate Jobs / Campaign Against Climate Change UK
Leonor Canadas, Empregos para o Clima / Climáximo
Sinan Eden, Empregos para o Clima / Climáximo

People around the world are coming together to collectively reimagine our future. Join us.

Now is the time for the climate movement to reconnect! The Global Just Recovery Gathering is a three-day online event featuring interactive workshops, cultural sessions, and hands-on trainings. Build your skills, strengthen relationships, and hear from a powerful line-up of climate leaders, artists, and musicians in every corner of the world. Join us in designing a new path towards a better future for all.

April 9-11, 2021 |

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