There are floods all around. The TV won’t mention climate change. Here is one thing you can do. We are visiting family living in the country just outside St. Louis, Missouri, in the US. Eureka, the small town at the bottom of our hill, is under water. Pacific, five miles away […]
Yearly Archives: 2015
Martin Empson, treasurer of the Campaign against Climate Change trade union group, reports from the UK. In 2015 Britain has seen repeated flooding causing large-scale damage. Tens of thousands of people have had to evacuate their homes, suffered days without power and seen their homes and businesses destroyed as storms repeatedly […]
This post looks at the results of the Paris climate talks, and says what the climate movement and the social movements need to do next, how climate jobs fit into that, and what you can do to help build a campaign for climate jobs in your country.
The circus is over. The suits are leaving Paris. There have been millions of words written about the text. But one fact stands out. All the governments of the world have agreed to increase global greenhouse gas emissions every year between now and 2030. [1] Why? Because all the countries […]
Jonathan Neale ecrit: A la suite des tueries de Paris, le gouvernement a instauré l’état d’urgence et interdit toute manifestation publique. Ils nous ont dit que la Coalition pour le Climat ne pourrait pas manifester. Cela paraissait censé pour la plupart d’entre nous. “N’est-ce pas terrible?”, pensions-nous. Mais la plupart des […]
Jonathan Neale writes: After the killings in Paris, the government immediately banned all public demonstrations under a state of emergency. They told the climate coalition we could not march. That seemed to make a sort of sense to most people in the climate movement. Isn’t it terrible, we said. But most […]
Jonathan Neale writes: Last night in Paris Jeremy Corbyn and Naomi Klein spoke to 800 people about trade unions and climate change. For me, the best moment was when Jeremy started his speech by saying ‘I want to hold this document up. It’s called One Million Climate Jobs’. The meeting was […]
Un nouveau reportage venant de la campagne mondiale pour les emplois verts: Nous devons stopper le dérèglement climatique et nous devons agir vite. Pour y parvenir, nous devons créer 120 millions de nouveaux emplois dans le monde au cours des vingt prochaines années. Dans plusieurs pays, des campagnes ont été […]
Un nuevo informe en español de la campaña mundial de trabajos por el clima: Hay que detener el cambio climático, y hay que hacerlo lo más pronto posible. Para lograrlo necesitaremos 120 millones de trabajos nuevos anivel mundial por un mínimo de veinte años. Actualmente en varios países hay campañas […]
This post is to give details of climate jobs meetings and activities in Paris during the COP. We will be sending out updated versions over the next few days.