Climate Jobs Activities in Paris

new york march

This post is to give details of climate jobs meetings and activities in Paris during the COP. We will be sending out updated versions over the next few days.

First, the International Trades Union Confederation is holding a two day conference on climate change and trade unions on Thursday and Friday 4 December, from 10.30 to 18.00 each day. The venue is near the actual COP in Le Bourget, a short train or shuttle bus ride from Paris. More details will follow.

We (Global Climate Jobs) have a climate jobs session on Thursday at 12.00, and the Canadian Labour Congress has session on climate and jobs later that afternoon. PCS (UK) has a session on refugees and unions on Friday. Most of the other meetings – on teachers, health workers, construction, disasters, on energy democracy, and the UK TUC’s meeting on just transition, are about climate jobs in one way or another. It looks like a good two days, and we will go out for dinner afterwards. It will be a particularly good place to visit with trade unionists from around the world, and from many, different sectors.

Admission is free, but you have to register as soon as possible to make sure you are put on the official invitation list, or you may not be allowed in by the security. Do this now. The place to go is , people can register here:
> English:
> French:
> Spanish:

When you get to the site to register, do not worry about what it says about invitations being closed. That only the means the ITUC is not paying fares any more.


There is then an alternative summit in Montreuil, on the metro, all day on Saturday and Sunday, 5 and 6 December. There are over 200 meetings – it is like a social forum. We have a climate jobs workshop on the Saturday afternoon, about how to build a climate jobs campaign in your country, and a large meeting about climate jobs on the Sunday afternoon. There are also trade union assemblies both mornings.

Details, as we get them, will go up here.

Naomi Klein and Jeremy Corbyn: REGISTRATION NOW CLOSED

On Monday at 18.00 Naomi Klein and Jeremy Corbyn will be speaking in central Paris about unions and climate jobs. Registration for this event is now closed. The hall is full.

Climate Action Zone

From Monday 7 December to Friday 11 December there will be a Climate Action Zone (ZAC) in central Paris. This will be activities, discussions, and a place to hang out, and there will be more than 150 meetings. zac timetable is here.


The French state have said we cannot have a big demonstration on Saturday 12 December, the day the COP ends. The civil society coalition in Paris has decided that we will go ahead anyway with many small gatherings in the streets all over Paris on that day. We will see if we can arrange for union people to come together in one region that day. The details of all this are still being worked out, but we are all determined, and we will protest.


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