Bonn – People’s Climate Summit

The climate jobs campaigns from Portugal, United Kingdom and France, together with Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, had a workshop in People’s Climate Summit in Bonn.IMG_20171106_145257

Just Transition: Stop Lying and Start Doing

Hedge funds, banks and capitalists are not investing enough in renewables to stop climate change, and Trade Unions for Energy Democracy have the figures to show this. There is no alternative now but massive government action. That means public support for renewable energies, efficient public transport and conversion of buildings to meet our climate goals, and jobs for working people. Climate jobs campaigns from different countries will explain how this would work.

First, Sean Sweeney from TUED explained how the governments and corporations were lying us about an energy transition. Then Felicity Premru from the One Million Climate Jobs UK campaign explained what they should actually start doing, and Didier Aube from Plateforme Emplois Clima gave us some insights about what we as social movements can start doing now. The following open discussion focused on just transition, how we can frame and achieve it, and how the climate jobs campaigns as a political tool and as a campaign to win could serve for it.

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